Below are amendments to AT No. 1, Examination Engagements Regarding Compliance Reports of Brokers and Dealers, related to the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board's reorganization of its auditing standards. (See PCAOB Release No. 2015-002.) The amendments were approved by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission on September 17, 2015, and are effective as of December 31, 2016. The current standard can be found here.

AT No. 1 Amendments

  1. In footnote 8 to paragraph 4, the reference to "Auditing Standard No. 15" is replaced with "AS 1105."
  2. In the second note to paragraph 6, the reference to "Auditing Standard No. 3" is replaced with "AS 1215."
  3. In the first sentence of footnote 12 to paragraph 8, the reference to "Auditing Standard No. 17" is replaced with "AS 2701."
  4. In footnote 18 to paragraph 35, the reference to "Auditing Standard No. 16" is replaced with "AS 1301."
  5. In footnote 3 to paragraph C10, the reference to "AU sec. 317" is replaced with "AS 2405."