[The following paragraph is effective on December 15, 2025. See PCAOB Release No. 2024-005. The paragraph effective before December 15, 2025 can be found here.]


101-11—Modified application of rule 101 for certain engagements to issue restricted-use reports under the Statements on Standards for Attestation Engagements

Rule 101: Independence [ET section 101.01], and its interpretations and rulings apply to all attest engagements. However, for purposes of performing engagements to issue reports under the Statements on Standards for Attestation Engagements (SSAEs) that are restricted to identified parties, only the following covered members, and their immediate families, are required to be independent with respect to the responsible partyfn 15 in accordance with rule 101 [ET section 101.01]:

  • Individuals participating on the attest engagement team;
  • Individuals who directly supervise or manage the attest engagement partner; and
  • Individuals who consult with the attest engagement team regarding technical or industry-related issues specific to the attest engagement.

In addition, independence would be considered to be impaired if the firm had a financial relationship covered by interpretation 101-1.A [ET section 101.02] with the responsible party that was material to the firm.

In cases where the firm provides non-attest services to the responsible party that are proscribed under interpretation 101-3 [ET section 101.05] and that do not directly relate to the subject matter of the attest engagement, independence would not be considered to be impaired.

In circumstances where the individual or entity that engages the firm is not the responsible party or associated with the responsible party, individuals on the attest engagement team need not be independent of the individual or entity, but should consider their responsibilities under EI 1000, Integrity and Objectivity, with regard to any relationships that may exist with the individual or entity that engages them to perform these services.

This interpretation does not apply to an engagement performed under the Statements on Auditing Standards or Statements on Standards for Accounting and Review Services, or to an examination or review engagement performed under the Statements on Standards for Attestation Engagements.

[Replaces previous interpretation 101-11, Independence and Attest Engagements, January 1996, effective January 31, 1996. Revised, effective November 30, 2001, by the Professional Ethics Executive Committee.]

Footnotes (ET Section 101 — Independence):

fn 15As defined in the SSAEs. [Footnote renumbered, July 2002, to reflect conforming changes necessary due to the revision of interpretation 101-1. Footnote subsequently renumbered by the revision of interpretation 101-2, April 2003.]