Form 4 - Succeeding to Registration Status of Predecessor


  1. Purpose of this Form.  Effective December 31, 2009, this Form must be used to submit information, representations, and affirmations to the Board, pursuant to Rule 2109, by a public accounting firm that seeks to succeed to the registration status of a predecessor firm in circumstances described in Rule 2108.
  2. Defined Terms.  The definitions in the Board's rules apply to this Form. Italicized terms in the instructions to this Form are defined in the Board's rules. In addition, as used in the instructions to this Form, the term "the Firm" means thepublic accounting firm that is submitting this Form to the Board, and the term "the predecessor firm" means the registered public accounting firm identified in Item 1.1.a of the Form.
  3. Submission of this Form.  Unless otherwise directed by the Board, the Firm must submit this Form, and all exhibits to this Form, to the Board electronically by completing the Web-based version of this Form available on the Board's Website. The Firm must use the predecessor firm's user ID and password to access the system and submit the Form. In the event of a transaction involving the combination of multiple registered public accounting firms, the Firm must access the system using only the user ID and password of the firm specifically identified in Item 1.1.a, and not those of any other registered public accounting firm.
  4. When this Form Should be Submitted and When It is Considered Filed.  To succeed to the registration status of the predecessor firm pursuant to the provisions of Rule 2108(a) or (b), the Firm must provide the information and representations required by this Form, in accordance with the instructions to this Form, and must file the Form no later than the 14th day after the effective date of the change in form of organization, change in jurisdiction of organization, or business combination. Different timing requirements apply with respect to events that occurred before December 31, 2009. See Rule 2109(a)(2). Form 4 is considered filed when the Firm has submitted to the Board, through the Board's Web-based reporting system, a Form 4 that includes the signed certification required in Part V of Form 4, provided, however, that any Form 4 so submitted after the applicable filing deadline shall not be deemed filed unless and until the Board, pursuant to Rule 2108(d), grants leave to file the Form 4 out of time.
  5. Seeking Leave To File this Form Out of Time.  To request leave to file Form 4 out of time, pursuant to the provisions of Rule 2108(d), the Firm must file the request on Form 4 and must attach as Exhibit 99.5 a detailed statement describing why, despite the passage of time since the event described on the Form 4, the Board should permit the Firm to succeed to the registration status of the predecessor firm. [Any Form 4 that has been submitted out of time, and as to which a Board decision on whether to allow the form to be filed is pending, may be withdrawn] by accessing the pending submission in the Board's Web-based system and selecting the "Withdraw" option.
  6. Completing the Form.  The Firm must complete Parts I, II, IV and V of this Form. Part III should be completed to the extent applicable, as described more fully in the instructions to Part II of the Form.
  7. Amendments to this Form.  Amendments shall not be submitted to update information into a Form 4 that was correct at the time the Form was submitted, but only to correct information that was incorrect at the time the Form was submitted or to provide information that was omitted from the Form and was required to be provided at the time the Form was submitted. When submitting a Form 4 to amend an earlier submitted Form 4, the Firm must supply not only the corrected or supplemental information, but must include in the amended Form 4 all information, affirmations, and certifications that were required to be included in the original Form 4. The Firm may access the originally filed Form 4 through the Board's Web-based system and make the appropriate amendments without needing to re-enter all other information. (Note that, pursuant to Rule 2109(d), the provisions of Rule 2205 concerning amendments apply to any submission on this Form as if the submission were a report on Form 3.)

    Note: The Board will designate an amendment to a report on Form 4 as a report on "Form 4/A."

    Note: Any change to a Form 4 that was originally submitted out of time, and as to which a Board decision on whether to allow the form to be filed is pending, shall not be treated as an amendment. To make a change to any such pending Form 4 submission, the Firm must access the pending submission in the Board's Web-based system, select the "Withdraw and Replace" option, and submit a new completed Form 4 in place of the previously pending submission. The certification required in Part V of the new submission must be executed specifically for the replacement version of the Form and dated accordingly.

  8. Rules Governing this Form.  In addition to these instructions, the rules contained in Part 2 of Section 2 of the Board's rules govern this Form. Please read these rules and the instructions carefully before completing this Form.
  9. Requests for Confidential Treatment. The Firm may, by marking the Form in accordance with the instructions provided, request confidential treatment of any information submitted in Exhibit 99.3 or Exhibit 99.5 of this Form that has not otherwise been publicly disclosed and that either contains information reasonably identified by the Firm as proprietary information or that is protected from public disclosure by applicable laws related to confidentiality of proprietary, personal, or other information. See Rule 2300. If the Firm requests confidential treatment, it must identify the information in Exhibit 99.3 or Exhibit 99.5 that it desires to keep confidential, and include, as Exhibit 99.1 to this Form, a representation that, to the Firm's knowledge, the information for which confidential treatment is requested has not otherwise been publicly disclosed, and a detailed explanation of the grounds on which the information is considered proprietary or a detailed explanation of the basis for asserting that the information is protected by law from public disclosure and a copy of the specific provision of law that the Firm claims protects the information from public disclosure. If the Firm fails to include Exhibit 99.1, or includes an Exhibit 99.1 that fails to comply with Rule 2300(c)(2), the request for confidential treatment may be denied solely on the basis of the failure. The Board will normally grant confidential treatment requests for information concerning non-public disciplinary proceedings. The Board will determine whether or not to grant other confidential treatment requests on a case-by-case basis. See Rule 2300(c). 
  10. Assertions of Conflicts with Non-U.S. Law.  If the Firm is a foreign registered public accounting firm, the Firm may, unless otherwise directed by the Board pursuant to Rule 2207(e), decline to provide the affirmation required by Item 4.1 of this Form and any answer required by Item 3.2.e of this Form if doing so would constitute a violation of non-U.S. law by the Firm and the Firm proceeds in accordance with Rule 2207. (Note that, pursuant to Rule 2109(d), the provisions of Rule 2207 apply to any submission on this Form as if the submission were a report on Form 3.) If the firm withholds the affirmation or answer, the Firm must indicate, in accordance with the instructions in the relevant Part of the Form, that it has done so.
  11. Language.  Information submitted as part of this Form, including any exhibit to this Form, must be in the English language.


Item 1.1   Names of Firm and Predecessor Registered Public Accounting Firm

a.  State the legal name of the registered public accounting firm to whose registration status the Firm seeks to succeed.

Note:      The name provided in Item 1.1.a should be the legal name of the registered public accounting firm as last reported to the Board on Form 1 or Form 3. This is the firm referred to in this Form as "the predecessor firm." In accessing and submitting this Form through the Board's Web-based system, the Firm must use the predecessor firm's user ID and password.

b.  State the legal name of the Firm filing this Form.

Note:      The name provided in Item 1.1.b will be the name under which the Firm is registered with the Board if this Form is filed in accordance with Rule 2109.

c.  If different than the name provided in Item 1.1.b, state the name or names under which the Firm issues or intends to issue audit reports.

Item 1.2   Contact Information of the Firm

a.  State the physical address (and, if different, mailing address) of the Firm's headquarters office.

b.  State the telephone number and facsimile number of the Firm 's headquarters office. If available, state the Website address of the Firm.

Item 1.3   Primary Contact and Signatory

a.  State the name, business title, physical business address (and, if different, business mailing address), business telephone number, business facsimile number, and business email address of a partner or authorized officer of the Firm who will serve as the Firm's primary contact with the Board, including for purposes of this Form 4, any annual reports filed on Form 2, and any special reports filed on Form 3.



Item 2.1   Reason for Filing this Form

Indicate, by checking the box for either Item a or Item b below, the reason the Firm is filing this Form. Then proceed to the Parts and Items of this Form indicated parenthetically for the relevant item and provide the information described there. Provide responses only to those Parts and Items of the Form specifically indicated for the event or events that the Firm identifies in this Part II as the reason for filing this Form. (For example, if the Form is being submitted because the Firm has changed its form of organization, check the box for Item 2.1.a, and complete only Item 3.1 and Parts IV and V of the Form. Complete Item 2.2 or Item 2.3 if applicable.)

a.   There has been a change in the Firm's form of organization, or the Firm has changed the jurisdiction under the law of which it is organized. (Complete Item 3.1, Part IV, and Part V; complete Item 2.2 or Item 2.3 if applicable.)

b.  There has been an acquisition of a registered public accounting firm by an entity that was not a registered public accounting firm at the time of the acquisition, or a registered public accounting firm has combined with another entity or other entities to form a new legal entity. (Complete Item 3.2, Part IV, and Part V; complete Item 2.2 or Item 2.3 if applicable.)

Item 2.2   Request for Leave To File this Form Out of Time

If this Form is not submitted in accordance with Rule 2109(b) on or before the filing deadline set by Rule 2109(a), the Firm may request leave to file this Form 4 out of time by checking the box for this Item, completing this Form 4 as is otherwise required, and providing, as Exhibit 99.5 to this Form, a description of the reason(s) the Form was not timely filed and a statement of the grounds on which the Firm asserts that the Board should grant leave to file the Form out of time.

Note:      Requests for leave to file Form 4 out of time are not automatically granted. See Rule 2108(d).

Item 2.3 Amendments

If this is an amendment to a Form 4 previously filed with the Board -

a.  Indicate, by checking the box corresponding to this item, that this is an amendment.

b.  Identify the specific Item numbers of this Form (other than this Item 2.3) as to which the Firm's response has changed from that provided in the most recent Form 4 or amended Form 4 filed by the Firm with respect to the event reported on this Form.


Item 3.1   Changes in Form of Organization or in Relevant Jurisdiction

If this Form 4 is being submitted in connection with a change in the Firm's form of organization or a change in the jurisdiction under the law of which the Firm is organized -

a.  State the Firm's current (i.e., after the change in legal form or jurisdiction) legal form of organization;

b.  Identify the jurisdiction under the law of which the Firm is organized currently (i.e., after the change in legal form or jurisdiction); and

c.  State the date that the change took effect.

d.  Affirm that, after the change reported or described in this Item 3.1, the Firm is a public accounting firm under substantially the same ownership as the predecessor firm.

Note:      Neither the Act nor Board rules include any provision by which a registered public accounting firm may, in effect, transfer its Board registration to another entity. Rule 2108(a), in conjunction with this Form, allows the succession of registration status in circumstances in which a registered public accounting firm changes its legal form of organization while remaining under substantially the same ownership. For purposes of this Item, the Firm is considered to be under substantially the same ownership as the predecessor firm if a majority of the persons who held an equity ownership interest in the predecessor also constitute a majority of the persons who hold an equity ownership interest in the Firm.

e.  If, in connection with the change described in this Item 3.1, the Firm has obtained, or will practice under, a license or certification number, authorizing it to engage in the business of auditing or accounting, that is different from any such license or certification number previously reported to the Board by the predecessor firm, provide as to each such license -

1.  the name of the issuing state, agency, board, or other authority;

2.  the number of the license or certification;

3.  the date the license or certification took effect.

f.  If, in connection with the change described in this Item 3.1, any license or certification that authorized the predecessor firm to engage in the business of auditing or accounting has ceased to be effective or has become subject to any conditions or contingencies other than conditions or contingencies imposed on all firms engaged in the business of auditing or accounting in the jurisdiction, provide, as to each such license -

1.  the name of the issuing state, agency, board, or other authority;

2.  the number of the license or certification; and

3.  the  date that [the authorization ceased to be effective or became subject to conditions or contingencies.]

Item 3.2   Acquisitions of, or Combinations Involving, A Registered Public Accounting Firm


a.  If this Form 4 is being submitted in connection with a transaction concerning which a person who holds an equity ownership interest in the Firm, or is employed by the Firm, can certify the points set out in Item 3.2.b. and Exhibit 99.4, -

1.   Provide the name of each entity, other than the predecessor firm, that was involved in the transaction and that was a registered public accounting firm immediately before the transaction, and as to each such entity -

(i)  affirm that the entity has filed with the Board a request for leave to withdraw from registration on Form 1-WD; and

(ii)  state the date that the entity filed Form 1-WD;

2.  Provide the name of each entity, including any acquiror, that was involved in the transaction and that was not a registered public accounting firm immediately before the transaction;

3.  Provide the date that the transaction took effect; and

4.  Provide a brief description of the nature of the transaction.

b.  Provide as Exhibit 99.4 to this Form, a statement in the form set out below, signed by a person who, immediately before the transaction, was an officer of, or held an equity ownership interest in, the predecessor firm and who now either holds an equity ownership interest in, or is employed by, the Firm. The statement must be submitted on behalf of the Firm. Exhibit 99.4 must include a signature that appears in typed form in the electronic submission and a corresponding manual signature retained by the Firm in accordance with Rule 2109(d). The signature must be accompanied by the signer's current title, the signer's title immediately before the event described in Item 3.2.a, the date of signature, and the signer's business mailing address, business telephone number, business facsimile number, and business email address. Other than the insertion of the relevant names, Exhibit 99.4 must be in the exact following words -

On behalf of [name of the Firm], I certify that (1) I was an officer of, or held an equity ownership interest in, [name of predecessor firm] immediately before the transaction described in Item 3.2.a of the Form 4 to which this exhibit is attached; (2) immediately before that transaction [name of predecessor firm] was a registered public accounting firm; (3) as part of that transaction, a majority of the persons who held equity ownership interests in [name of predecessor firm] obtained equity ownership interests in, or became employed by, [name of the Firm]; (4) [name of predecessor firm] intended that [name of the Firm] succeed to the Board registration status of [name of predecessor firm] to the extent permitted by the Board's rules; and (5) [name of predecessor firm] is no longer a public accounting firm.

c.  If, in connection with the transaction described in Item 3.2.a, the Firm has obtained, or will practice under, a license or certification number, authorizing it to engage in the business of auditing or accounting, that is different from any such license or certification number previously reported to the Board by the predecessor firm, provide, as to each such license -

1.  the name of the issuing state, agency, board or other authority;

2.  the number of the license or certification; and

3.  the date the license or certification took effect.

d.  If, in connection with the transaction described in Item 3.2.a, any license or certification that authorized the predecessor firm to engage in the business of auditing or accounting has ceased to be effective or has become subject to any conditions or contingencies other than conditions or contingencies imposed on all firms engaged in the business of auditing or accounting in the jurisdiction, provide, as to each such license -

1.  the name of the issuing state, agency, board, or other authority;

2.  the number of the license or certification; and

3.  the date that the authorization ceased to be effective or became subject to conditions or contingencies.

e.  Provide a "yes" or "no" answer to each of the following questions -

1.  Is there identified in Item 3.2.a.2 any entity that, if it were filing an application for registration on Form 1 on the date of the certification in Part V of this Form, would have to provide an affirmative response to Item 5.1.a of Form 1 in order to file a complete and truthful Form 1?

Note:   In considering whether an affirmative response would be required to Item 5.1.a of Form 1, the Firm should take into account the guidance provided in the section on "Certain Proceedings" in Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Registration with the Board that are posted on the Board's website.

2.  Is there identified in Item 3.2.a.2 any entity that (i) issued an audit report with respect to an issuer on or after October 22, 2003 (or, if the entity is a non-U.S. entity, July 19, 2004), while not registered with the Board, and (ii) did not thereafter have an application for registration on Form 1 approved by the Board?

3.  Is there identified in Item 3.2.a.2 any entity that (i) issued an audit report with respect to a broker or dealer for financial statements with fiscal years ending after December 31, 2008, while not registered with the Board, and (ii) did not thereafter have an application for registration on Form 1 approved by the Board?

4.  Is the Firm operating without holding any license or certification issued by a state, agency, board, or other authority authorizing the Firm to engage in the business of auditing or accounting?

Note:   If the Firm answers "yes" to any question in Item 3.2.e or asserts as to any of those questions that non-U.S. law prohibits it from providing an answer, the Firm cannot succeed outright to the registration of the predecessor. If this Form 4 is submitted in accordance with Rule 2109, however, the Firm will temporarily succeed to the registration of the predecessor for a transitional period as described in Rule 2108(b)(2) as long as the Firm makes the representation required in Item 3.2.f below. If the Firm answers "yes" to any question in Item 3.2.e or asserts as to any of those questions that non U.S. law prohibits it from providing an answer but fails to make the representation required in Item 3.2.f, this Form 4 will not be accepted for filing and the Firm will not succeed to the predecessor's registration even on a temporary basis. See Rule 2108(b)(2).

f.  If the Firm answered "yes" to any question in Item 3.2.e or asserts as to any of those questions that non-U.S. law prohibits it from providing an answer, affirm, by checking the box corresponding to the appropriate item, that one of the following statements is true -

    1.  The Firm has filed an application for registration on Form 1 on or after the date provided in Item 3.2.a.3.

    2.  The Firm intends to file an application for Registration on Form 1 no later than 45 days after the date provided in Item 3.2.a.3.


Item 4.1   Continuing Consent to Cooperate

Affirm that -

a.  The Firm consents to cooperate in and comply with any request for testimony or the production of documents made by the Board in furtherance of its authority and responsibilities under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002;

b.  The Firm has secured from each of its associated persons, and agrees to enforce as a condition of each such person's continued employment by or other association with the Firm, a consent indicating that the associated person consents to cooperate in and comply with any request for testimony or the production of documents made by the Board in furtherance of its authority under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, and that the associated person understands and agrees that such consent is a condition of his or her continued employment by or other association with the Firm; and

c.  The Firm understands and agrees that cooperation and compliance, as described in Item 4.1.a., and the securing and enforcing of consents from its associated persons as described in Item 4.1.b., is a condition to the continuing effectiveness of the registration of the Firm with the Board.

Note: The affirmation in Item 4.1.b. shall not be understood to include an affirmation that the Firm has secured such consents from any associated person that is a registered public accounting firm.

Note: The affirmation in Item 4.1.b. shall not be understood to include an affirmation that the Firm has secured such consents from any associated person that is a foreign public accounting firm in circumstances where that associated person asserts that non-U.S. law prohibits it from providing the consent, so long as the Firm possesses in its files documents relating to the associated person's assertion about non-U.S. law that would be sufficient to satisfy the requirements of subparagraphs (2) through (4) of Rule 2207(c) if that associated person were a registered public accounting firm filing a Form 2 and withholding this affirmation. This exception to the affirmation in Item 4.1.b. does not relieve the Firm of its obligation to enforce cooperation and compliance with Board demands by any such associated person as a condition of continued association with the Firm.
Note: If the Firm is a foreign registered public accounting firm, the affirmations in Item 4.1 that relate to associated persons shall be understood to encompass every accountant who is a proprietor, partner, principal, shareholder, officer, or manager of the Firm and who provided at least ten hours of audit services for any issuer during the reporting period.

Item 4.2   Continuing Responsibility to the Board for Previous Conduct

Affirm that, for purposes of the Board's authority with respect to registered public accounting firms, including but not limited to the authority to require reporting of information and the authority to impose disciplinary sanctions, the Firm either has retained or assumes responsibility for the conduct of any predecessor registered public accounting firm before the change or business combination reported on this Form took effect.

Note:   As used in Item 4.2 the term "predecessor registered public accounting firm," means (1) in circumstances not involving a transaction described in Item 3.2, the predecessor firm and (2) in circumstances involving a transaction described in Item 3.2, each registered public accounting firm that was involved in the business combination.

Note:   The continuing responsibility in Item 4.2 includes, among other things, responsibility for reporting information on Form 2 and events on Form 3. Thus, for example, if a registered public accounting firm experienced a Form 3 reportable event before the event that is the subject of this Form, the Firm, as successor, has the obligation to report that event on Form 3, and bears responsibility for any failure by any predecessor to have filed a timely Form 3 to report the matter.

Note:   The Board's rules do not require that any entity retain or assume responsibility as set forth above. In the absence of an affirmation that it retains or assumes responsibility for such conduct at least for purposes of the Board's authority, however, an entity cannot succeed to the Board registration status of any predecessor entity. See Rule 2108.



Item 5.1   Signature of Partner or Authorized Officer

This Form must be signed on behalf of the Firm by an authorized partner or officer of the Firm including, in accordance with Rule 2109(d), both a signature that appears in typed form within the electronic submission and a corresponding manual signature retained by the Firm. The signer must certify that -

a.  the signer is authorized to sign this Form on behalf of the Firm;

bthe signer has reviewed this Form;

c.  based on the signer's knowledge, this Form does not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact necessary to make the statements made, in light of the circumstances under which such statements were made, not misleading; and

d.  either -

1.based on the signer's knowledge, the Firm has not failed to include in this Form any information or affirmation that is required by the instructions to this Form, with respect to the event or events being described on this Form, or
2.based on the signer's knowledge -

 (A)the Firm is a foreign public accounting firm and has not failed to include in this Form any information or affirmation that is required by the instructions to this Form other than an affirmation required by Item 4.1 and/or an answer to Item 3.2.e.; and

 (B)the Firm asserts that it is prohibited by non-U.S. law from providing any such withheld affirmation or response to the Board on this Form and, with respect to each such withheld affirmation or response, the Firm has made the efforts described in PCAOB Rule 2207(b) and has in its files the materials described in PCAOB Rule 2207(c).

The signature must be accompanied by the signer's title, the capacity in which the signer signed the Form, the date of signature, and the signer's business mailing address, business telephone number, business facsimile number, and business email address.


To the extent applicable under the foregoing instructions, each report must be accompanied by the following exhibits:

Exhibit 99.1Request for Confidential Treatment

Exhibit 99.3Materials Required by Rule 2207(c)(2)-(4) - Submit Only as an Exhibit to an Amended Form 4 in Response to a Request Made Pursuant to Rule 2207(d)

Exhibit 99.4Acknowledgment Concerning Registration Status in Certain Transactions

Exhibit 99.5Statement in Support of Request for Leave To File Form 4 Out of Time.

[Effective pursuant to SEC Release No. 34-60496, File No. PCAOB-2008-05 (August 13, 2009); and SEC Release No. 34-72087, File No. PCAOB-2013-03 (May 2, 2014)]