The PCAOB is focused on supporting smaller audit firms to enhance audit quality and protect investors. This page presents PCAOB resources and videos tailored for smaller audit firms.
Certain resources are highlighted on this webpage to help smaller firms understand and comply with PCAOB standards and rules; however, these resources are not intended to be comprehensive. Other content on the PCAOB website – such as the Information for Auditors and Staff Publications pages – may be applicable and useful.
What is a smaller firm?
The PCAOB defines “smaller firms” as those that issue audit reports or that play a substantial role in the audits of 100 or fewer public companies.
Do you know how many smaller firms audit public companies?
More than 500 such firms either audit or play a substantial role in the audits of over 3,200 public companies.
What resources can assist smaller audit firms?
Tailored to address PCAOB-registered firms auditing smaller public companies or broker-dealers, the forums have provided a unique opportunity for audit firms to engage with representatives from the PCAOB and other regulators in an interactive setting.
Adopting standards and rules designed to be scalable
The PCAOB has continued its efforts to ensure its rules and standards are scalable for firms of all sizes, including taking into account the date for when the new requirements become effective. Examples include the PCAOB’s new quality control standard, which balances new requirements with a risk-based approach that enables flexibility, and the new auditing standard on AS 1000, General Responsibilities of the Auditor in Conducting an Audit, project, which takes a phased-in approach for the effective date of the related amendment to accelerate the requirement for firms to assemble a complete and final set of audit documentation to allow smaller firms more time to adjust.
Audit Focus
Audit Focus is a series of PCAOB staff publications that aims to provide easy-to-digest information to auditors, especially those who audit smaller public companies. Each edition of Audit Focus reiterates the applicable auditing standards and/or staff guidance, as well as offers reminders and good practices tailored to PCAOB-registered auditors of smaller public companies – all with an eye toward protecting investors and improving audit quality.
View the Audit Focus: Journal Entries
Recent Implementation Resources
The PCAOB posted a new series of knowledge checks on new PCAOB standards. Designed solely to assist with implementation, the checks are 100% anonymous and private.
Video Resources
2024 Forums on Auditing in the Small Business Environment and on Auditing Broker-Dealers
The four 2024 forums were recorded and are available on each event page. See the introductions from each Board Member that hosted a forum:
Audit Focus
This video that details the common deficiencies related to journal entries. The PCAOB’s inspection staff continues to identify a large number of deficiencies related to auditors’ examination of journal entries.
PCAOB staff offer insights related to auditor communications with audit committees, detailing reminders, common deficiencies, and good practices.
PCAOB staff continues to identify a large number of deficiencies related to critical audit matters (CAMs).