[The following paragraphs of AI 24, amended to read as follows, will be effective for audits of fiscal years ending on or after December 15, 2017. See PCAOB Release No. 2017-001.The current auditing interpretations can be found here.]

.55     Question—A real estate entity presents current-value financial statements10 to supplement historical-cost financial statements. May an auditor accept an engagement to report on current-value financial statements that supplement historical-cost financial statements, and if so, how should the auditor report?

10     Generally accepted accounting principles require the use of current-value accounting for financial statements of certain types of entities (for example, investment companies, employee benefit plans, personal financial statements, and mutual and common trust funds). This interpretation does not apply to reports on current-value financial statements of such entities. The auditor engaged to report on current-value financial statements of such entities should follow the guidance in AS 3105, Departures from Unqualified Opinions and Other Reporting Circumstances.

.83     Interpretation—No. An offering memorandum generally is a document providing information as the basis for negotiating an offer to sell certain assets or businesses or to raise funds. Normally, parties to an agreement or other specified parties for whom the special-purpose financial presentation is intended have not been identified. Accordingly, the auditor should follow the reporting guidance in AS 3105.18–.27 and .40–.43.

.86     If there is no such agreement, the auditor should follow the guidance in AS 3105.18–.27 and .40–.43.

[Effective pursuant to SEC Release No. 34-81916, File No. PCAOB-2017-01 (October 23, 2017)]