Open Board Meeting - PCAOB Staff to Discuss Quality Control Monitoring and Remediation Process and Implementation Resources Available for Firms Auditors
The meeting will be streamed live, and the public may join in watch-only or listen-only mode.
- Join by Webex link:
PCAOB Open Meeting – March 19, 2025
When you join the meeting, if you would like to connect your audio via phone, you can receive a call back by providing your phone number in the prompt. You can also join by audio only by calling one of the dial-in numbers in the “Join by phone” section below and entering the access code and password. - Join by Webex number:
Webex number: 2306 359 3999
Webex password: iiF6D9cBQs2 - Join by phone:
Call either of the numbers below and enter the access code and password, each followed by #.
U.S. toll-free: 1-844-621-3956
U.S. toll: 1-415-655-0001
Access code: 230 635 93999
Webex password: 44363922
A recording will be made publicly available on the PCAOB’s website following the meeting.