250 Students Named PCAOB Scholars for the 2022-2023 Academic Year
The Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) today announced that 250 students from U.S. colleges and universities have been selected to receive a $10,000 scholarship for the 2022-2023 academic year.
“The auditing profession serves an important role in investor protection by helping to independently ensure the accuracy of the information public companies provide in their financial reports. The PCAOB Scholars Program supports the next generation of auditors by helping to make careers in auditing possible for the best and brightest, including for students from groups that have not been well represented in public accounting historically,” said PCAOB Chair Erica Y. Williams. “We are proud of this program, and we congratulate the students named PCAOB Scholars this year.”
The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 provides that funds generated from the collection of PCAOB monetary penalties must be used to fund a merit scholarship program for students in accredited accounting degree programs. The PCAOB Scholars Program was created to identify eligible students and to award funds through the students’ educational institutions.
The program’s goals are to (1) benefit outstanding students who are likely to become auditors and (2) make a difference to eligible students who might otherwise pursue a different career path. The PCAOB encourages participating colleges and universities to give special consideration to students from populations that have been historically underrepresented in the accounting profession.
Since the program’s inception in 2011, the PCAOB has awarded $18.73 million in scholarships to 1,873 recipients. A description of the program — including information on the nomination process, the selection of nominating institutions, and other details — can be found on the PCAOB Scholars Program page. All participating institutions, along with the named PCAOB Scholars, are listed below.
2022-2023 Academic Year PCAOB Scholars
Appalachian State University | Arizona State University | Auburn University |
Auburn University at Montgomery | Ball State University | Baylor University |
Belmont University | Bentley University | Binghamton University |
Boise State University | Boston College | Bowling Green State University-Main Campus |
Bradley University | Brigham Young University-Provo | Bryant University |
California State University-Fullerton | California State University-Northridge | Canisius College |
Case Western Reserve University | Central Connecticut State University | Central Michigan University |
Central Washington University | Clemson University | Cleveland State University |
Creighton University | CUNY Bernard M Baruch College | CUNY Brooklyn College |
DePaul University | Drexel University | East Carolina University |
Eastern Illinois University | Eastern Michigan University | Fairfield University |
Fairleigh Dickinson University-Florham Campus | Florida Atlantic University | Florida Gulf Coast University |
Florida State University | Fordham University | George Mason University |
George Washington University | Georgia Southern University | Gonzaga University |
Grand Valley State University | Hofstra University | Howard University |
Idaho State University | Illinois State University | Indiana University-Bloomington |
Indiana University-Purdue University-Indianapolis | Iowa State University | James Madison University |
John Carroll University | Kansas State University | Kennesaw State University |
Kent State University at Kent | Lehigh University
| Louisiana State University and Agricultural & Mechanical College Evan Cook
Louisiana Tech University | Loyola University Chicago | Loyola University Maryland |
Marquette University | Marshall University | Metropolitan State University of Denver |
Miami University-Oxford | Michigan State University | Middle Tennessee State University |
Mississippi State University | Missouri State University-Springfield | Montclair State University |
Morgan State University | New Mexico State University-Main Campus | New York University |
North Carolina A & T State University | North Carolina State University at Raleigh | Northeastern Illinois University |
Northeastern University | Northern Illinois University | Oakland University |
Ohio University-Main Campus | Oklahoma State University-Main Campus | Old Dominion University |
Oregon State University | Pace University-New York | Pennsylvania State University-Main Campus |
Portland State University | Purdue University-Main Campus | Quinnipiac University |
Rider University | Rowan University | Rutgers University-New Brunswick |
Rutgers University-Newark | Sacred Heart University | Saint Joseph's University |
Saint Louis University | Salisbury University | Sam Houston State University |
San Diego State University | Santa Clara University | Seattle University |
Seton Hall University | Siena College | Southeastern Louisiana University |
Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville | Southern Methodist University | Southern Utah University |
St John's University-New York | Stephen F Austin State University | Stetson University |
Suffolk University | SUNY at Albany | Syracuse University |
Tennessee Technological University | Texas A & M University-College Station | Texas A & M University-Commerce |
Texas A & M University-Corpus Christi | Texas Christian University | Texas State University |
Texas Tech University | The University of Alabama | The University of Montana |
The University of Tampa | The University of Tennessee-Chattanooga | The University of Tennessee-Knoxville |
The University of Texas at Arlington | The University of Texas at Austin | The University of Texas at Dallas |
The University of Texas at El Paso | The University of Texas at San Antonio | The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley |
Troy University | Truman State University | Tulane University of Louisiana |
University at Buffalo | University of Akron Main Campus | University of Alabama at Birmingham |
University of Alaska Fairbanks | University of Arizona | University of Arkansas |
University of Central Missouri | University of Cincinnati-Main Campus | University of Colorado Denver |
University of Connecticut | University of Dayton | University of Delaware |
University of Denver | University of Florida | University of Georgia |
University of Guam | University of Hawaii at Manoa | University of Houston |
University of Houston-Clear Lake | University of Houston-Downtown | University of Illinois at Chicago |
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | University of Iowa | University of Kansas |
University of Kentucky | University of Louisiana at Lafayette | University of Louisville |
University of Maryland-College Park | University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth | University of Memphis |
University of Miami | University of Minnesota-Twin Cities | University of Mississippi |
University of Missouri-Columbia | University of Missouri-Kansas City | University of Missouri-St Louis |
University of Nebraska at Omaha | University of Nebraska-Lincoln | University of Nevada-Las Vegas |
University of Nevada-Reno | University of New Hampshire-Main Campus | University of New Mexico-Main Campus |
University of New Orleans | University of North Carolina at Charlotte | University of North Carolina at Greensboro |
University of North Dakota | University of North Florida | University of North Texas |
University of Northern Colorado | University of Northern Iowa | University of Notre Dame |
University of Oklahoma-Norman Campus | University of Oregon | University of Pittsburgh-Pittsburgh Campus |
University of Puerto Rico-Rio Piedras | University of Rhode Island | University of Richmond |
University of San Diego | University of Scranton | University of South Alabama |
University of South Carolina-Columbia | University of South Dakota | University of South Florida |
University of Southern California | University of Southern Indiana | University of Southern Maine |
University of Southern Mississippi | University of St Thomas | University of Toledo |
University of Utah | University of Vermont | University of Virginia-Main Campus |
University of Washington-Bothell Campus | University of Washington-Seattle Campus | University of Washington-Tacoma Campus |
University of West Georgia | University of Wisconsin-Madison | University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee |
University of Wisconsin-Whitewater | University of Wyoming | Utah State University |
Utah Valley University | Valdosta State University | Villanova University |
Virginia Commonwealth University | Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University | Wake Forest University |
Washington State University | Wayne State University | Weber State University |
West Chester University of Pennsylvania | West Virginia University | Western Kentucky University |
Western Michigan University | Wichita State University | William & Mary |
William Paterson University of New Jersey | Wright State University-Main Campus |
About the PCAOB
The PCAOB is a nonprofit corporation established by Congress to oversee the audits of public companies in order to protect investors and further the public interest in the preparation of informative, accurate, and independent audit reports. The PCAOB also oversees the audits of brokers and dealers, including compliance reports filed pursuant to federal securities laws.
PCAOB Office of Communications and Engagement