PCAOB Posts Staff Video on Implementation of Confirmation Standard
The PCAOB has posted a staff presentation video designed to help auditors prepare for the implementation of AS 2310, The Auditor’s Use of Confirmation.
Led by expert staff in the PCAOB’s Office of the Chief Auditor, the video provides an overview of AS 2310 requirements and covers topics including the following:
- Designing confirmation requests.
- Maintaining control over the process, including when using a confirmation intermediary.
- Confirmation responses, nonresponses and incomplete responses.
- Alternative procedures.
- Confirming cash, accounts receivable and terms of certain transactions.
For more PCAOB implementation resources on the confirmation standard and other topics, visit the Implementation Resources for PCAOB Standards and Rules page. Auditors are also encouraged to contact the PCAOB’s Office of the Chief Auditor with any questions.
About the PCAOB
The PCAOB is a nonprofit corporation established by Congress to oversee the audits of public companies in order to protect investors and further the public interest in the preparation of informative, accurate, and independent audit reports. The PCAOB also oversees the audits of brokers and dealers registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including compliance reports filed pursuant to federal securities laws.