This series of short videos provides investors with a better understanding of how PCAOB achieves its mission to protect investors.

What is the PCAOB?

The PCAOB works every day to strengthen investor protection for the benefit of our markets and economy. Learn about our history and mission in this video.

Engaging With Investors

Engaging with investors is a critical part of how the PCAOB fulfills its investor-protection mission. We invite investors to check out our investor-focused resources, sign up for our investor updates, and reach out directly to our Office of the Investor Advocate.

Setting High Standards for Audit Quality

Quality audits protect investors, and to do quality audits, public company accounting firms need high standards. For audits of companies listed on U.S. markets, the PCAOB sets those high standards. We invite you to learn more about our standard setting, give us input, and sign up for updates. 

Auditing the Auditors


Each year, the PCAOB inspects hundreds of PCAOB-registered audit firms across the globe. We encourage investors and others to learn more about our inspections, read our inspection reports, and sign up for updates.

Holding Wrongdoers Accountable To Protect Investors

The PCAOB’s enforcement program brings accountability when auditors violate PCAOB rules and standards. Learn more about PCAOB’s enforcement efforts – and how you can play a part in them. 

Working Globally To Protect U.S. Investors

In a global economy, the work of protecting investors does not stop at U.S. borders. Visit to learn more about how the PCAOB conducts its oversight internationally.