AS 2110: Identifying and Assessing Risks of Material Misstatement (effective on 12/15/2025)
AS 2315: Audit Sampling (effective on 12/15/2025)
AS 4105: Reviews of Interim Financial Information (effective on 12/15/2025)
AS 1215: Audit Documentation (effective on 12/15/2025)
AS 1310: Notification of Termination of the Auditor-Issuer Relationship (effective on 12/15/2025)
AS 2101: Audit Planning (effective on 12/15/2025)
AS 2201: An Audit of Internal Control Over Financial Reporting That Is Integrated with An Audit of Financial Statements (effective on 12/15/2025)
AS 2901: Responding to Engagement Deficiencies After Issuance of the Auditor’s Report (effective on 12/15/2025)
AS 1220: Engagement Quality Review (effective on 12/15/2025)
AS 2405: Illegal Acts by Clients (effective for fiscal years beginning on or after 12/15/2024)
AS 1000: General Responsibilities of the Auditor in Conducting an Audit (effective for fiscal years beginning on or after 12/15/2024)
AS 1215: Audit Documentation (effective for fiscal years beginning on or after 12/15/2024, not including amendments effective 12/15/2025)
AS 2401, Consideration of Fraud in a Financial Statement Audit (effective for fiscal years beginning on or after 12/15/2024)
AS 2301: The Auditor's Responses to the Risks of Material Misstatement (effective for fiscal years beginning both on or after 12/15/2024 and before 12/15/2025)
AS 2605, Consideration of the Internal Audit Function (effective for fiscal years beginning on or after 12/15/2024)
AS 1220: Engagement Quality Review (effective for fiscal years beginning on or after 12/15/2024, not including amendments effective 12/15/2025)
AS 2305: Substantive Analytical Procedures (effective for fiscal years beginning on or after 12/15/2024)
AS 2315: Audit Sampling (effective for fiscal years beginning on or after 12/15/2024, not including amendments effective 12/15/2025)
AS 2410: Related Parties (effective for fiscal years beginning on or after 12/15/2024)
AS 2505: Inquiry of a Client's Lawyer Concerning Litigation, Claims, and Assessments (effective for fiscal years beginning on or after 12/15/2024)
AS 2601: Consideration of an Entity's Use of a Service Organization (effective for fiscal years beginning on or after 12/15/2024)
AS 2805: Management Representations (effective for fiscal years beginning on or after 12/15/2024)
AS 2710: Other Information in Documents Containing Audited Financial Statements (effective for fiscal years beginning on or after 12/15/2024)
AS 3101: The Auditor's Report on an Audit of Financial Statements When the Auditor Expresses an Unqualified Opinion (effective for fiscal years beginning on or after 12/15/2024)
AS 4105: Reviews of Interim Financial Information (effective for fiscal years beginning on or after 12/15/2024, not including amendments effective 12/15/2025)
AS 6105: Reports on the Application of Accounting Principles (effective for fiscal years beginning on or after 12/15/2024)
AS 6115: Reporting on Whether a Previously Reported Material Weakness Continues to Exist (effective for fiscal years beginning on or after 12/15/2024)
AS 2201: An Audit of Internal Control Over Financial Reporting That Is Integrated with An Audit of Financial Statements (effective for fiscal years beginning on or after 12/15/2024, not including amendments effective 12/15/2025)
AS 1101: Audit Risk (effective for fiscal years beginning on or after 12/15/2024)
AS 1201: Supervision of the Audit Engagement (effective for fiscal years beginning on or after 12/15/2024)
AS 2810: Evaluating Audit Results (effective for fiscal years beginning on or after 12/15/2024)
AS 2101: Audit Planning (effective for fiscal years beginning on or after 12/15/2024, not including amendments effective 12/15/2025)
AS 2610: Initial Audits—Communications Between Predecessor and Successor Auditors (effective for fiscal years beginning on or after 12/15/2024)
AS 3105: Departures from Unqualified Opinions and Other Reporting Circumstances (effective for fiscal years beginning on or after 12/15/2024)
AS 3305: Special Reports (effective for fiscal years beginning on or after 12/15/2024)
AS 1105, Audit Evidence (effective for fiscal years beginning both on or after 12/15/2024 and before 12/15/2025)
AS 1105, Audit Evidence (effective for fiscal years beginning on or after 12/15/2025)
AS 2301: The Auditor's Responses to the Risks of Material Misstatement (effective for fiscal years beginning on or after 12/15/2025)
AS 2501: Auditing Accounting Estimates, Including Fair Value Measurements (effective for fiscal years beginning both on or after 12/15/2024 and before 12/15/2025)
AS 2501: Auditing Accounting Estimates, Including Fair Value Measurements (effective for fiscal years beginning on or after 12/15/2025)
AS 1105, Audit Evidence (effective for fiscal years beginning both on or after 6/16/2024 and before 12/15/2024)
AS 2401, Consideration of Fraud in a Financial Statement Audit (effective for fiscal years beginning both on or after 6/16/2024 and before 12/15/2024)
AS 2510, Auditing Inventories (amended for FYE on or after 6/15/2025)
AS 2310: The Auditor’s Use of Confirmation (effective for FYE on or after 6/15/2025)
AS 2605, Consideration of the Internal Audit Function (effective for fiscal years beginning both on or after 6/16/2024 and before 12/15/2024)
AS 1301, Communications with Audit Committees (amended for FYE on or after 6/15/2025)
AS 1206: Dividing Responsibility for the Audit with Another Accounting Firm
AS 2101: Audit Planning
AS 3105: Departures from Unqualified Opinions and Other Reporting Circumstances
AS 6115: Reporting on Whether a Previously Reported Material Weakness Continues to Exist
AS 6110: Compliance Auditing Considerations in Audits of Recipients of Governmental Financial Assistance
AS 6105: Reports on the Application of Accounting Principles
AS 6101: Letters for Underwriters and Certain Other Requesting Parties
AS 4105: Reviews of Interim Financial Information
AS 4101: Responsibilities Regarding Filings Under Federal Securities Statutes
AS 3320: Association with Financial Statements
AS 3315: Reporting on Condensed Financial Statements and Selected Financial Data
AS 3310: Special Reports on Regulated Companies
AS 3305: Special Reports
AS 3110: Dating of the Independent Auditor's Report
AS 3101: The Auditor's Report on an Audit of Financial Statements When the Auditor Expresses an Unqualified Opinion
AS 2905: Subsequent Discovery of Facts Existing at the Date of the Auditor's Report
AS 2901: Consideration of Omitted Procedures After the Report Date
AS 2820: Evaluating Consistency of Financial Statements
AS 2815: The Meaning of "Present Fairly in Conformity with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles"
AS 2810: Evaluating Audit Results
AS 2805: Management Representations
AS 2801: Subsequent Events
AS 2710: Other Information in Documents Containing Audited Financial Statements
AS 2705: Required Supplementary Information
AS 2701: Auditing Supplemental Information Accompanying Audited Financial Statements
AS 2610: Initial Audits—Communications Between Predecessor and Successor Auditors
AS 2605: Consideration of the Internal Audit Function
AS 2601: Consideration of an Entity's Use of a Service Organization
AS 2510: Auditing Inventories
AS 2505: Inquiry of a Client's Lawyer Concerning Litigation, Claims, and Assessments
AS 2501: Auditing Accounting Estimates, Including Fair Value Measurements
AS 2415: Consideration of an Entity's Ability to Continue as a Going Concern
AS 2410: Related Parties
AS 2405: Illegal Acts by Clients
AS 2401: Consideration of Fraud in a Financial Statement Audit
AS 2315: Audit Sampling
AS 2310: The Confirmation Process
AS 2305: Substantive Analytical Procedures
AS 2301: The Auditor's Responses to the Risks of Material Misstatement
AS 2201: An Audit of Internal Control Over Financial Reporting That Is Integrated with An Audit of Financial Statements
AS 2110: Identifying and Assessing Risks of Material Misstatement
AS 2105: Consideration of Materiality in Planning and Performing an Audit
AS 1305: Communications About Control Deficiencies in an Audit of Financial Statements
AS 1301: Communications with Audit Committees
AS 1220: Engagement Quality Review
AS 1215: Audit Documentation - Appendix A
AS 1215: Audit Documentation
AS 1210: Using the Work of an Auditor-Engaged Specialist
AS 1201: Supervision of the Audit Engagement
AS 1110: Relationship of Auditing Standards to Quality Control Standards
AS 1105: Audit Evidence
AS 1101: Audit Risk
AS 1015: Due Professional Care in the Performance of Work
AS 1010: Training and Proficiency of the Independent Auditor
AS 1005: Independence
AS 1001: Responsibilities and Functions of the Independent Auditor